Where can you Buy our PhotonWeld laser Welding Machines

Lasermach Service Centers

Are Welding and Welding machines your passion or your job?
Do you want to sell our PhotonWeld Laser Welding equipment? How to become an Agent - Dealer- distributor for our Laser Welding Machines!
Laser welding: Partners and dealers wanted
As an entrepreneur in the metal industry, are you constantly looking for new challenges and do you see opportunities in collaborations? Then we are a match!
We are ambitious and with our PhotonWeld Laser welding equipment we bring a really top product, which is now very "hot" in the "welding market" and therefore we are still looking for new dealers and sales points in different countries of Europe.
Lasermach: A brand that is 100% representative of the positioning of a quality machine.: “Simply the Best”!
Lasermach is worldwide "the" leading brand within manual laser welding machines. Our brand stands for quality, sustainability, innovation, user- and customer-friendly and cost reduction with high profitability for the customer. Within Lasermach we only opt for top quality and we have a clear focus policy: Ecologically and economically responsible Laser welding.
We not only offer the most economical laser welding machines, but also the most compact and most portable in the entire laser welding market!
The customer is king, that is one of our core values. We want to provide every customer with the same great experience and we need your help to do that. Lasermach is convinced of the importance of dealers. They form an important link to the customer. At the dealer, the customer receives professional advice close to home and the customer can view the products. That is why every dealer receives a thorough laser welding training!
We also have the largest professional and industrial laser welding Demo/test/training center in all of Europe in Mouscron on the Belgian/French border and easy to reach. Our demo/test/showroom is therefore equipped with a unique laser welding experience. Here, customers can experience for themselves what an optimal laser welding process looks like for their product. Our expert advisors are happy to help our visitors with the search for a perfect process in your welding production.
Because Lasermach is a fast-growing brand in the welding industry with the PhotonWeld Laserlas range and the demand is only increasing exponentially, we are still looking for dealers and sales points in almost all countries in Europe. This way, our end customers can easily and quickly buy a professional laser welding machine from a dealer with expertise!
Because partnership is always based on mutual trust, lasermach strives for sustainable and reliable relationships with its dealers. We see our dealers as important partners. They make an important contribution to the performance of our company, thanks to their innovative strength, quality and reliability.
Together with our partners and dealers, we create a network to serve the entire manufacturing industry as quickly and effectively as possible. That is why we are always looking for new partners and resellers.
Does our PhotonWeld laser welding range fit into your range?
Do you have customers who are interested in laser welding,
then quickly become a dealer of this adventurous and fast-growing Lasermach PhotonWeld® label.
Contact us by calling directly Patrick: +32 475 736 351 or sending an email to sales@lasermach.eu
or call our Demo/test/training centrum +32/56333240

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